Connecting new Forms to wwCRM

Connecting new forms to the CRM is easy. It’s also a great way to keep any leads or form submission in one place where you can manage them all.


1) On your website dashboards main tab Leads, click the box called Field Mapping.


2) Find your new form and click it when the page loads. You will be able to map each form field to a list of available fields. They will save automatically as you map each field. If you need to create a custom field, scroll down and there is a simple input box that will allow you to do so. You can then map your custom field to your form.


3) If you created a custom field we will want that to display in your leads table. Go back to your website dashboard by clicking Dashboard in the left menu of your website. Then click on the Manage Leads box under the leads tab.


4) At the top of the page find this text Choose Fields to display:. Click on the drop-down option and find your new custom field. Check the box and the field should display in your leads table. That’s it! You’re all done mapping your custom form to the CRM.